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BOSTON (MarketWatch) — Boom!

Stock markets around the world soared yesterday. The Dow jumped more than 300 points.

News out of Europe says they’re working on a fix to resolve the crisis there. Reports here say the holiday season may be off to a strong start. Sales on “Black Friday” may have hit a record.

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..There's a great mismatch between the way people feel about the economy and many of the underlying trends. The sentiment says recession, but much of the underlying data suggest growth.

The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan measure of consumer sentiment, released Friday morning, showed consumer confidence fell and that consumers' expectations for the future are at their lowest level in 30 years. They're not the only ones worried. Lakshman Achuthan of Economic Cycle Research Institute, perhaps the most reliable forecaster on changes in the business cycle, recently told the Daily Ticker he believes a recession is unavoidable.

And yet the numbers continue to tell the story of a grinding, continuing recovery that, in some ways, appears to be accelerating. Amid the rising gloom, the data flow in recent weeks has generally been positive. Retail sales, reported this morning, were up strongly in September, up 1.1 percent from August; August's figure was revised upwards. Compared with a year ago, retail sales are up 8 percent. They were led by strong car sales. After putting up a bagel in August, the economy added 103,000 payroll jobs in September, including 137,000 private sector positions. Overall GDP growth, which fell dangerously close to flatlining in the first quarter, in which it grew at just a .4 percent annual rate, grew at a 1.3 percent rate in the second quarter. Macroeconomic Advisers, which tracks and continually updates estimates in real time with each new data point, currently has the third quarter expanding at a 2.7 percent rate. The Conference Board Leading Economic Index pushes higher every month.

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(Reuters) - Apple Inc shares dipped nearly 3 percent in early trading on Monday after an analyst said the iPhone maker is cutting orders from suppliers of parts for its iPad tablet.

JPMorgan Chase said in the research note that several suppliers indicated in the past two weeks that Apple lowered fourth-quarter iPad orders by 25 percent.

"Our understanding is that this is not in preparation for a new model launch," said Gokul Hariharan, JP Morgan's Asia Pacific electronic manufacturing services analyst.

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ATHENS — Sitting in the modest living room of the home she shares with her parents, husband and two teenage children, Stella Firigou fretted about how the family would cope with the uncertainties of an economy crashing all around them. But she was adamant about one thing: she would not pay a new property tax that was the centerpiece of a new austerity package announced this month by the Greek government.

“I’m not going to pay it,” Ms. Firigou, 50, said matter-of-factly, as she lighted a cigarette and checked her ringing cellphone to avoid calls from her bank about late payments on a loan. “I can’t afford to pay it. They can take me to jail.”

While banks and European leaders hold abstract talks in foreign capitals about the impact of a potential Greek default on the euro and the world economy, something frighteningly concrete is under way in Greece: the dismantling of a middle-class welfare state in real time — with nothing to replace it.

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Ben Rooney, On Friday August 19, 2011, 10:15 am
European leaders are under intense pressure to come up with a long-term solution to the debt problems straining the European Union to its breaking point.

But given the enormous challenges involved and the unpalatable options available to them, few analysts expect EU policymakers to announce any meaningful changes soon.

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It is a parallel that is seducing Wall Street bankers and investors: 2011 as a repeat of 2008, the history of financial turmoil playing in one endless loop.

As a big fund manager muttered darkly this past weekend while heading into the office to prepare for a tumultuous Monday, "The sense of déjà vu is almost sickening."

Those who think of 2011 as "2008 -- The Sequel" now have their very own "Lehman moment." Just substitute Friday's historic downgrade of the U.S. credit rating by Standard & Poor's for the collapse of the investment bank in September 2008, et voilà, you have a carbon copy of an event that made the unthinkable happen and spooked markets around the globe.

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With thousands of options to choose from, selecting the right mutual fund can be tough. While past performance is no guarantee of future success, one of the most proven strategies is selecting funds with solid long-term track records. Managers of these funds tend to invest for the long haul instead of making shortsighted bets or chasing the latest market trend.

Using our exclusive U.S. News Mutual Fund Score, we've compiled a list of the best long-term performers in some of the most popular mutual fund categories. Over the past 12 months, every fund on the list has received an average U.S. News score of 7 or higher. Our score is based on the ratings of some of the mutual fund industry's best-known analysts, including Morningstar, Lipper, Standard & Poor's, TheStreet, and Zacks.

To gauge performance, we screened our database to find funds with the highest 10-year trailing returns as of the end of March. Each fund on the list finished in the top quartile of its respective Morningstar category, with the exception of a few index funds, which we've included as options for investors who favor a passive investing approach.

[See top-rated funds by category ranked by U.S. News Mutual Fund Score.]

Since high fees can eat away at long-term returns, the funds selected for this year's list charge annual expenses that are less than their respective category average. In the name of affordability, the funds also have minimum investments of $25,000 or less.

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DALLAS (AP) -- It will take some digging and maybe a bit of luck to score a cheap airfare for this summer.

So far airlines are withholding their deepest discounts from prime summer travel periods, although they have been offering sales for domestic and international flights this spring -- even some astounding bargains.

Take Tuesday, for example.

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David K. Randall, AP Business Writer, On Sunday February 13, 2011, 2:53 pm EST
NEW YORK (AP) -- Inflation isn't hitting your wallet hard, but it is lurking in your stock portfolio.

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WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 2011
Credit Card Debt Grows for First Time Since 2008
Consumers Borrow More Money for 3rd Straight Month

(AP) Americans are putting more money on their credit cards after more than two years of cutting back, a sign that they are gaining confidence in the economy.

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1. USB 3.0 傳輸技術新星

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2010/08/24 09:36



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http://www.cdnews.com.tw 2010-09-19 11:15:23


  蘋果iPhone 、iPad熱賣,驅動觸控應用市場起飛,國內觸控面板廠營運水漲船高,不過,多數觸控IC廠至今卻仍無法有效打開市場,產品比重仍僅個位數。

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工研院IEK ITIS計畫公佈2010年第二季我國平面顯示器產業回顧與展望報告,當季台灣平面顯示器總產值達新台幣4,624.7億元,比前一季成長20.8%。其中面板產業產值新台幣3,204.2億元,比前一季成長22.1%。

面板業主力為大型 TFT LCD 面板,產值約新台幣2,777.1億元;其次為中小型 TFT LCD 面板產業,產值約新台幣352.7億元;TN/STN面板產業,產值約新台幣53.1億元,而OLED產業產值則為新台幣20.1億元。

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2010/08/19 08:14

【財訊快報/編輯部】儲存型快閃記憶體(NAND Flash)控制IC大廠群聯(8299)昨(18)日公布上半年每股純益5.03元,董事長潘健成表示,本季市場需求在,但「會辛苦點,且價格不會好」,第四季則「不要有太多期望」,明年第一季更是沒理由不跌。
  群聯昨天舉行法說會,近期NAND Flash市況混沌,法人關切。潘健成認為,NAND Flash價格下跌是必然趨勢,第四季市況還「看不見」;價格是否崩盤,端視上游晶片廠能否節制,否則這個月崩盤也很有可能。

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鉅亨網編譯吳國仲 綜合外電
2010 / 01 / 10 星期日 14:30


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