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fuzzy2007 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


美股大漲後,台股隔天開盤大都開高,那是否會收更高? 還是開高收低?
就像 9/24 美股漲1.86%,台股開高走低。

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http://www.cdnews.com.tw 2010-09-19 11:15:23


  蘋果iPhone 、iPad熱賣,驅動觸控應用市場起飛,國內觸控面板廠營運水漲船高,不過,多數觸控IC廠至今卻仍無法有效打開市場,產品比重仍僅個位數。

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加權指數高檔區:約 8200 以上
加權指數低檔區:約 5300 以下

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It is no secret that behind every successful investment manager there is a written, measurable and repeatable investment strategy. However, many investors jump from one trade to another, putting little effort into creating and measuring their overall strategies.

Read on to learn four questions that, when answered, will help you create a better investment strategy. The following questions will help you create an investment strategy that is written, measurable and backed by your own strong beliefs. This will lead to more consistent investment performance and help you mitigate emotional investment decisions. Most importantly, it will help you avoid a scattered portfolio of individual investments that, when looked at as a whole, have no overall theme or objective.

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The psychological hardwiring that helped us survive in primitive times also make us vulnerable to dangerous errors and biases when handling our investments in both bull and bear markets. Read on to learn about the catch phrases to watch for in a bull market, and some of the mental errors and biases they could signal.

"I know investment markets are going to pull back. I will put the money to work then."
When you hear a phrase like this, the investor could be suffering from "confirmation bias." Confirmation bias is a result of our brains trying to avoid cognitive dissonance, or having two conflicting thoughts. It occurs when investors filter out relevant evidence about their investments that contradicts their beliefs. With all of the information available about the direction of investment markets and the economy, it is easy to latch on to what you want to hear and filter out information that contradicts your past judgment. In a new bull market this bias can cause investors to ignore information that the economy and the financial markets are recovering. It would mean that they were wrong about their recent decision to sell or not buy certain investments. It can cause them to "sit on the sidelines" too long while investment opportunities pass them by. It is always good to think independently when investing, but make sure that you keep your ego in check and have an alternative plan if markets do not go your way.

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Investors have a knack for piling into investments at the top and selling at the bottom. Many investors get caught up in media hype or fear and buy or sell investments at the peaks and valleys of the cycle. Why does this type of emotional investing happen and how can investors avoid both the euphoric and depressive investment traps? Read on for some tips on how to keep an even keel - and keep your investments on track.

Tutorial: Understanding Behavioral Finance

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———談“嚴格選 隨時買 不要賣”的投資理念
□ 李 劍 2007.11 (轉載)

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2007-09-21 09:41   作者:阿格塔米爾


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